We represent individual landlords, tenants, commercial and residential property owners, managing agents, tenants associations, co-op's, section 8, HDFC and the GLBT communities.Free attorney consultationsExperienced trial attorneysReasonable RetainersOur knowledge and experience of landlord tenant law, rent stabilization, rent control and loft laws, enable us to simplify landlord tenant disputes for our clients. We advise clients during negotiations or litigation whether in Housing Court, Civil Court, Supreme Court or out of court so that proper decisions can be made.
We represent individual landlords, tenants, commercial and residential property owners, managing agents, tenants associations, co-op's, section 8, HDFC and the GLBT communities.Free attorney consultationsExperienced trial attorneysReasonable RetainersOur knowledge and experience of landlord tenant law, rent stabilization, rent control and loft laws, enable us to simplify landlord tenant disputes for our clients. We advise clients during negotiations or litigation whether in Housing Court, Civil Court, Supreme Court or out of court so that proper decisions can be made.