At Nicolet Law Office, S.C., we handle personal injury and automobile accident cases, workers’ comp and Social Security disability claims, and bankruptcy and debt relief issues across Wisconsin.When you need help recovering and rebuilding, we are here for you and your family. We are dedicated to helping those who are injured or in financial distress get the legal services they need to obtain a fresh start. With offices in Hudson, Eau Claire, Superior, and throughout western Wisconsin and MN.
At Nicolet Law Office, S.C., we handle personal injury and automobile accident cases, workers’ comp and Social Security disability claims, and bankruptcy and debt relief issues across Wisconsin.When you need help recovering and rebuilding, we are here for you and your family. We are dedicated to helping those who are injured or in financial distress get the legal services they need to obtain a fresh start. With offices in Hudson, Eau Claire, Superior, and throughout western Wisconsin and MN.