Anthony Azemika

Azemika & Azemika
Bakersfield California 93301

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Ready to work with our award-winning team? Call today!

Since our practice is limited to family law cases only, we understand that our clients are going through a very difficult and emotional time. Therefore, our attorneys and staff are very sensitive to our clients' needs. Our offices are centrally located in Bakersfield, California, directly across from the Rabobank Arena, Theater and Convention Center and within one block of the courthouse. 

Our family law attorneys bring professionalism and personal attention to every case, having experience in simple and complex cases. We pledge to deliver confidential, aggressive representation with integrity and dedication customized for our clients' needs, especially in the areas of Divorce, Child Custody, Visitation, Paternity, Child Support, Spousal Support, Restraining Orders, Step-Parent and Independent Adoptions, and Abandonments.

Write About You And Your Company

Since our practice is limited to family law cases only, we understand that our clients are going through a very difficult and emotional time. Therefore, our attorneys and staff are very sensitive to our clients' needs. Our offices are centrally located in Bakersfield, California, directly across from the Rabobank Arena, Theater and Convention Center and within one block of the courthouse. 

Our family law attorneys bring professionalism and personal attention to every case, having experience in simple and complex cases. We pledge to deliver confidential, aggressive representation with integrity and dedication customized for our clients' needs, especially in the areas of Divorce, Child Custody, Visitation, Paternity, Child Support, Spousal Support, Restraining Orders, Step-Parent and Independent Adoptions, and Abandonments.