If you were injured in a car accident, you probably think your own car insurance company will at least play fair, right? But the truth is, insurance companies aren’t your friends. Their only goal is to keep the money you and other policyholders send them each month, no matter which side they represent.
That’s why any personal injury attorneys worth their salt will tell you never, EVER, talk to insurance companies after a wreck, because:
Even though you may be an open and honest person who is ready to answer questions about your car accident, you should be careful when communicating with insurance companies. They like it when people overly share and will document any and all information about the collision that you provide. As a matter of fact, insurance companies have a list of questions to ask car accident victims – and they will twist and turn those responses to benefit themselves.
Tip: Stick to yes or no when you can, and don’t divulge unnecessary details. Just tell the truth and nothing more.
Any information or details that you give the insurance companies about your car wreck may be used against you. Unfortunately, insurance companies have used statements given by car accident victims to deny their claims. This can happen when you simply express that you are “okay” or that you do not feel as bad as you thought. Any little statement could cause the insurance companies to state that you were not severely injured in the car accident.
Tip: When in doubt, let your attorney work it out. You don’t have to answer any questions until after you’ve spoken with your lawyer.
Even if you claim that you were seriously injured in the car accident, insurance companies will use their tricks and tactics to get you to express that you were injured but not as badly as you originally said. This can happen if you do not visit an emergency room immediately after the accident or if you do not let the EMT workers provide medical assistance to you at the accident scene. This may seem ridiculous to you if you went to your physician’s office the next day and got X-rays that showed your injuries within the week. However, an insurance company will do everything they can to try to get you to say that you were not injured as badly as you claimed in hopes of reducing your compensation amount.
Tip: Seek medical attention as quickly as you can, and don’t brush off any symptoms. What you assume is an unrelated headache may be the sign of something far worse. Make sure to attend all follow-up sessions, too.
When a car accident victim is presented with an offer soon after a crash, they may be tempted to hurry and take the money. This is because they have medical bills and daily expense bills piling up, which can cause them to think that they need the money right away. However, it is important to realize that the amount that the insurance company initially offers you is most likely a small fraction of how much you may be able to obtain with the assistance of a car accident lawyer.
Tip: Talk to a lawyer before you talk to anyone else. Injury lawyers almost always offer free consultations and work on contingency, so it costs you nothing out-of-pocket to work with one.
When you answer the phone and an insurance company is on the other end, you may hear an operator say that the phone call is being recorded as a courtesy. But insurance companies know that you are going through a lot right now and hope to catch you off guard when speaking. This may open the door to you providing them with information to reduce your compensation or state that you were not harmed in the accident. Even if you say something as innocent as “I didn’t even notice the other driver,” this statement could be shifted to look bad on your part. As a result, it could become a lot harder to get the full award amount that you are entitled to receive.
Tip: When you hear it’s the insurance company, the only thing you need to say is “please direct all inquiries to my attorney.” After that? You’re home free.
If you suffer injuries from a car accident and are not sure what to do, reach out to a car accident attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will not only protect your rights, but they will also make sure that insurance companies do not take advantage of you. Instead of speaking with an insurance company, call a car accident lawyer today to schedule your free consultation. In this meeting, you will learn the next steps in the legal process, the maximum compensation you are owed, and how your attorney plans to secure it for you.