Personal injury attorneys want to obtain the best possible result for their clients in a personal injury claim or lawsuit. That is why attorneys often stress with clients the importance of minimizing or even entirely avoiding social media interaction during an accident claim.
Different social media platforms have appeal to millions of people, but social media websites, such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, are in the public domain. They can present compromising, personal information that attorneys for the defense and insurance companies can use to undermine your personal injury lawsuit.
Your Social Media Account Can Wreck Your Case
Sometimes the most innocent social media posts can wreak havoc with your lawsuit or claim. Let’s say you just were in a serious car accident and are suing the other driver for pain and suffering and emotional distress. But you are posting pictures on your Facebook page that show you smiling and enjoying the outdoors. Or, you post pictures on Instagram that show you enjoying an amusement park when your lawsuit says you have suffered serious back injuries and cannot walk easily.
The insurance company for the other driver will want access to the medical records related to your personal injuries from the accident. And the same is the case for your social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Both the insurance company and the defense attorneys will check your social media accounts for any hint that you are not as injured as you claim. Their purpose is to reduce the payout for your claim or deny it entirely. Not all of the information on social media websites is related to your personal injury case, but the comments, videos, posts and images can certainly be used against you.
Guard Your Privacy After Your Accident
Before you post any type of item on a social media account, remember that it cannot be easily removed from the public domain. Even if you delete the post from your account, it still can be found. Your Dallas personal injury attorney is your strongest advocate and will try to argue on your behalf about what information in the public domain should not be used by the defense.
But keep in mind that this is a rapidly changing area of the law. Depending upon the state and the judge, there may be legal access to virtually any social media activity that you have engaged in since the accident. It could be used as evidence against you in the claim or at trial. Even something as simple as a picture of you smiling with your family after an accident could affect your claim and ultimate compensation. The defense will argue, how can you be enjoying life if you are in so much pain?
Recommended Steps for Social Media Accounts
Many Dallas personal injury attorneys recommend that their clients completely avoid ALL social media websites while a case is ongoing. It is just too easy to post something that could hurt your claim. If you still want to stay on Facebook and so forth, at least follow these tips:
The bottom line from most personal injury attorneys is to avoid all social media interaction until your personal injury lawsuit is completed. If you want the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries, as your attorney does, help your cause and refrain from social media interaction during this crucial time.