Estate planning can protect your loved ones, as well as your legacy, in the future. As you proceed with the estate planning process, developing a will is going to be a crucial starting point. And here’s why…
Making a will is so critical because these essential estate planning documents can empower you:
Regardless of your financial status and wealth, making a will allows you to specify your wishes for the future in the event that you become catastrophically injured or incapacitated. In fact, through your will, you can set up invaluable protections for yourself, such as a:
For instance, if you have a business, setting up a financial power of attorney can ensure that your business’ operations (along with any other important financial affairs) are appropriately managed in the future if you can’t manage them for any reason.
For example, if you end up in a coma or you are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, your medical power of attorney can ensure that your wishes regarding your health care and/or end-of-life directives are appropriately carried out.
If, however, you become incapacitated and you don’t have a will or powers of attorney in place, important decisions about your finances and/or health care can lie in the hands of someone whom you don’t necessary trust (as it will be left up to the court to decide who has the authority to make these decisions for you, and the court may select an agent who you would not have preferred).
Protecting your children may be far more of a concern than protecting yourself. And if it is, taking the time to make a will now can also be critical to this end. In fact, through your will, you can do the following to ensure your children are protected in the future after you pass:
Without a will in place, if you end up passing away, custody of your children may end up going to someone whom you would not have chosen, and/or assets that you wanted to hand down to your children may end up going to other people or places – including creditors or the IRS.
When you make a will, you have the power to specifically name – or to specifically not include – certain people as beneficiaries to your estate. This can be a very compelling reason to make a will, as:
Here, it’s also important to point out that, in addition to choosing your beneficiaries, you can also set up special provisions in your will to try to minimize future disputes over it (which, again, may be a viable concern if you’ve had a falling out with a close relative who you think may try to cause more trouble after you pass away).
For instance, your will can include provisions like “no-contest clauses” (or terroreum clauses). These clauses can specifically state that people who challenge the validity of a will can be completely disinherited from it if their contests are unsuccessful.
Depending on your assets and the nature of your estate, future estate tax obligations2 may be incredibly expensive. In some cases, they may even result in a significant portion of an estate’s assets going to the IRS, rather than to your loved ones.
By devising a will now, however, you can put certain estate planning tools in place to minimize these future tax obligations and, in doing so, save more of your assets for your chosen beneficiaries.
Probate3 can be a contentious, costly and complicated process that could end up compounding your loved one’s emotional and financial stresses after you pass away. In fact, while probate can last months, in the most complex cases, it can drag on for years, leaving your assets tied up in court instead of in the hands of your loved ones who may need them.
If, however, you take some time to now to develop a will, you can set up various types of trusts and/or other estate planning tools that can:
The reality is that we never can predict what tomorrow will hold for us. If you end up passing away without any will in place:
The bottom line here is that some upfront planning via a will and a comprehensive estate plan can go a long way towards protecting you and your loved ones, saving money and reducing future stresses. In other words, with wills and estate planning, the old adage – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – can certain ring true, as you can’t go back in time to set up these protections after an accident or death occurs.
Now that you know why having a will and estate plan is so essential, here are some additional things to keep in mind as you proceed:
The information in this article is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice.
If you live in the Los Angeles area and you are ready for some specific professional advice regarding estate planning and/or probate, you are encouraged to contact the Law Offices of Darrell C. Harriman.
1: American Bar Association (ABA) Guide for Medical Powers of Attorney -
2: IRS Guide to Estate Taxes -
3: ABA Guide to Probate -